Daily Archives: December 13, 2019

9 posts

add to WSUS

How to manually add a hotfix to WSUS

Recently a hotfix for Windows 7 that needs to go out to every Windows 7 computer has had many people scratching their heads at the annoyance of having to touch so many computers. A HotFix is something you click on a link and download to an individual machine one by […]

tcpip correction

Identifying and Repairing a Corrupt TCPIP Stack

The most difficult thing about troubleshooting a system is that such much of the skill is dependent on experience. When a symptom looks like something you’ve seen before but isn’t you can quickly find yourself going down a very dark tunnel. Such can be the case with a corrupt TCPIP […]

stacks outlook categories

Pushing Outlook Categories to All Users

I needed to push a uniform set of categories to all users so that they could use the same set when categorizing Contacts in Outlook. This would facilitate the gathering up of information for marketing purposes. For example, we could then search across all mailboxes for Contacts in the Alternative […]

remoteapp remote desktop

RD Gateway and RemoteApp Error: Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer “RDS.Domain.Local” for one of these reasons

We just finished setting up a Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard RDS server and began testing the RD Gateway, RDWeb, and RemoteApp features and hit this: RemoteApp Disconnected Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer “RDS.Domain.Local” for one of these reasons: 1) Your user account is not authorized to […]