Search Results for : sayings

12 results

senior couple walking along lake embankment holding hands

Amy’s sayings #8

I was reminded of this phrase the other day when I saw a post in a Facebook group aimed at IT business owners asking if anyone puts their business over their health.

person sitting on dock

Amy’s sayings #7

Once you know your where your business is going then you can begin to not only work the business in that direction but also work toward giving away your job.

ethnic kid making row of toy numbers

Amy’s sayings #4

Today it’s the one that my staff knows me best for. How do I know that? Because often when asking me for some advice or an idea on how to tackle a technical issue they will start the question with, I know it’s always DNS but

Have you rebooted?

Amy’s sayings #1

Does everyone have sayings that thier MSP runs by or is that just a me thing? I find myself often repeating the same advice to my technical staff