In my latest newsletter, I asked the recipients to tell me what types of groups they’d like me to host next year. In 2024, I’d like to offer both mastermind groups and also affinity peer groups on specific topics that like-minded people want to work on. In 2023, we offered mastermind groups and also a growth focused group.
I proposed a number of topics and here’s what you said:

In addition, two other topics were suggested:
- Growth, Scale, and Automation
- Developing expertise in AI
My thought is that we’ll host several of these groups and that they will run for a specific time-period. Perhaps six months. This way you’ll have time to learn, time to implement, and time to reflect on your progress. Every good business has many things to improve upon and each of them takes time. Doing it together in a non-competitive group not only keeps you accountable, but also adds perspective and a sounding board from your peers.
I’ve been enjoying the peer groups and focused growth group this year. I’m very much looking forward to hosting these groups in 2024. Thank you for your feedback and participation!
Interested in joining a mastermind group today?
You don’t have to wait for these topic specific groups to get started. We have mastermind groups for small companies from 1-6 staff and another for larger companies. Here’s how the meetings work:
- Each person gives a 1-2 minute on what is new since our last meeting
- Each person is allotted 12-15 minutes to ask the group a question and receive their advice
- Members are able to add their time to the current conversation
- Groups may be invited to special guest presentations.
- We may have an inperson gathering in 2024
I’ve been in a mastermind group for years. The value of these groups is in the deep trust and friendships that evolve over time. Having a career-long group of trusted advisors is a huge advantage.
Go to our store and purchase the recurring subscription and we’ll get you placed into the proper group. Our members range from singe person start-ups to 80+ person firms.